PGMEEnotes-PEDIATRICSnotes: April 2006
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Sunday, April 02, 2006


Intrauterine landmarks (--by Dr.ANITA Dhanrajani )
(1) USG Evidence of pregnancy (sac and fetal pole)==4th or 5th wk.

(2) Heart sounds first heard==8 to 10 wk Gest.age with a Doppler ultrasound device
& 18 to 20 wk gest.age with a stethoscope.

(3) Gender can be distinguished==10 weeks.

(4) Breathing movements==15-18 weeks.

(5) Swallowing movements==15-18 weeks.

Imp age landmarks in a child
(1) Adult haemoglobin production starts/
the switch over of fetal Hb. to adult haemoglobin production starts==16-20weeks of gestation.

(2) Surfactant production starts==22 to 28 weeks gestation.

(3) Surfactant production reaches maturity levels==34 to 35 wk gestation.

(4) Foramen ovale- functional closure==At birth.

(5) Taste perception develops= at birth.

(6) Newborn looses 10% body weight==1st week.

(7) Regains by==10th day.

(8) Adult haemoglobin is equal to fetal ==2 months.

(9) Post fontanelle closes==3 mths.

(10) Switch over of fetal Hb. to adult haemoglobin production completed ==6-12 mths postnatally.

(11) Foramen ovale- anatomical closure==1 year to 23 months after birth.

(12) Ant fontanelle closes==18 months.

(13) Handedness develops==2 years.

(14) Abstract thinking ==3 years.

(15) Decision making ==3 years.

(16) All milk teeth erupted by= 2 years.

(17) Visual acuity attained to adult==7 years.

(18) For lungs maturity== L/S ratio should be > 2:1...